
About the Action Bar

The Action bar displays beneath the Utilities tab in the upper right corner of most pages in Application Builder.

Description of bldr_hm_ico.gif follows
Description of the illustration bldr_hm_ico.gif

This bar contains the icons discussed in the sections that follow. Note that the Run Page icon, Edit Page icon, Developer Comment icon, and Find icon display on numerous pages in Application Builder, including pages for creating and managing shared components. See "Working with Shared Components".

Run Page Icon

Description of run_ico_green.gif follows
Description of the illustration run_ico_green.gif

The Run Page icon resembles a small, light green traffic light. Click this icon to render viewable HTML of the current page. If no page is selected, clicking this icon runs the first page in the application. When you run a page, the Application Express engine dynamically renders the page based on data stored in the database. See "Running a Page or Application".

Edit Icon

Description of edit_icon.gif follows
Description of the illustration edit_icon.gif

The Edit Page icon resembles a small green piece of paper and pencil. Click this icon to access the Page Definition of the current page. If no page is selected, clicking this icon displays the Page Definition of the first page in the application. See "About the Page Definition".

Shared Components Icon

Description of shared_comp_icon_2.gif follows
Description of the illustration shared_comp_icon_2.gif

The Shared Components icon resembles a small mechanical gear. Click this icon to view a list of shared components and user interface controls that can display or be applied on every page within an application. See "Working with Shared Components".

Developer Comment icon

Description of dev_comment_icon.gif follows
Description of the illustration dev_comment_icon.gif

The Developer Comment icon is the shape of a green balloon. Click this icon to record comments about an application, a specific page, or a group of pages. See "Adding Developer Comments".

Find Icon

Description of find_icon_2.gif follows
Description of the illustration find_icon_2.gif

The Find icon resembles a flashlight. Click this icon to search for items, pages, queries, tables, PL/SQL, images, and cascading style sheets (CSS) within the current application or the schemas associated with the workspace. See "Using the Find Icon".