
Creating a Web Service Reference Based on a WSDL

When you create a Web service reference based on a WSDL, you must decide how to locate the WSDL. You can locate a WSDL in two ways:

A UDDI registry is a directory where businesses register their Web services.


Creating a Web Service Reference by Searching a UDDI Registry

To create a Web service by searching a UDDI registry:

  1. Navigate to the Web Service References page. See "Accessing the Web Service References Page".

  2. Click Create.

  3. When prompted to search a UDDI registry to find a WSDL, click Yes.

  4. For UDDI Location you can either:

    • Enter a URL endpoint to a UDDI registry.

    • Click the List icon and select a UDDI registry.

  5. For Search, specify the following:

    1. Search Type - Specify whether to search for a business name or a service name. You cannot search for both.

    2. Name - Enter the business name or service name to search for. Use the percent (%) symbol as a wildcard character.

    3. Optionally indicate if the search should be case-sensitive or an exact match.

    4. Click Search.

    5. When the search results appear, make a selection and click Next.

    A summary page appears describing the selected Web service.

  6. Review your selection and click Next to continue.

    The URL to the WSDL document displays in the WSDL Location field.

  7. Click Finish.

The Web service reference is added to the Web Service References Repository.

Creating a Web Service Reference by Specifying a WSDL Document

To create a Web service by specifying a URL to a specific WSDL document:

  1. Navigate to the Web Service References page. See "Accessing the Web Service References Page".

  2. Click Create.

  3. When prompted to search a UDDI registry to find a WSDL, click No.

  4. In WSDL Location, enter the URL to the WSDL document.

  5. Click Finish.

The Web service reference is added to the Web Service References Repository.

Creating a Web Service Manually

To create a Web service reference manually:

  1. Navigate to the Web Service References page. See "Accessing the Web Service References Page".

  2. Click Create.

  3. When prompted to search a UDDI registry to find a WSDL, click No.

  4. From the Tasks list, click Create Web Service Reference Manually.

    The Create/Edit Web Service page appears.

  5. In Name, enter a name to identify the reference.

  6. Under Service Description:

    1. URL - Enter the URL endpoint of the Web service.

    2. Action - Enter the action of the Web service (optional).

    3. Proxy - Enter a proxy if you want to override the application proxy for this service.

    4. Basic Authentication - Choose whether the Web service requires authentication. Select Yes or No.

  7. For SOAP Envelop, enter the SOAP envelope for this request.

  8. For Store Response in Collection, enter the name of a collection to store the response (optional).

  9. Click Create.

The Web service reference is added to the Web Service References Repository.