
About the Oracle Application Express Environment

Oracle Application Express enables a single Oracle database to become a shared workgroup database service. Multiple users can access it using a Web browser without installing additional software.

About Workspaces

The area where you develop applications is called a workspace. A workspace is a virtual private database that enables multiple users to work within the same Oracle Application Express installation while keeping their objects, data, and applications private.

In a typical development environment, you might create a single workspace for all your developers to share. However, you can also create dedicated workspaces for specific developers or projects. Creating a dedicated workspace limits access to the workspace objects to only those users associated with the workspace.

The following illustration shows the relationship among users and developers, workspaces, and database schemas.

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Description of the illustration arch_multi2.gif

When you create a workspace, you associate it with a new or existing schema. A schema is a logical container for database objects such as tables, views, and stored procedures. A single schema can be associated with one or more workspaces.