
Reviewing Forms Menus

From the Project page you can browse the objects included in your uploaded MenuModule XML file (for example, myMenu_mmb.XML) and update annotations. Note that Forms Menus are not generated within Oracle Application Express. However, the files are imported to enable you to review and track them.


Viewing Form Menus

To track an imported MenuModule:

  1. Go to the Project page:

    1. On the Workspace home page, click the Applications Migrations link on the right side of the page.

    2. Click a project name.

      The Project page appears.

  2. Click the Edit icon to the left of MenuModule XML file name (for example, myMenu_mmb.XML).

    The Edit Imported Form Menu page appears.

  3. To delete the MenuModule, click Delete.

  4. To download the MenuModule, click the Download link.

About Annotations

Use Annotations to track the overall status of form within the conversion process. To learn more, see "Using Annotations to Track the Conversion Process".

Viewing a Summary of Forms Menus

Use the Forms Menus page to view details about specific modules.

To view the Forms Menus page:

  1. Go to the Project page:

    1. On the Workspace home page, click the Applications Migrations link on the right side of the page.

    2. Click a project name.

      The Project page appears.

  2. Click the MenuModule XML file name (for example, myMenu_mmb.XML).

    The Forms Menus page appears and displays the following information:

    • Edit icon - Depending on the Module Type, clicking this icon displays a details page describing the selected menu or program unit.

    • Name - Display the name of the menu module.

    • Module Type - Lists the type of module (that is, either Menu or Program Unit).

    • File Size - Displays the XML file size in kilobytes (KB).

    • Module Name - Displays the name of the module.

    • Main Menu - Specifies the name of the individual menu in the Forms Menu that functioned as the main or starting menu at runtime.

    • Assignee - Displays the person responsible for an object as specified within the Annotations for the object.

    • Tags - Lists tags created to describe the object as specified within the Annotations for the object.

    • Notes Snippet - Displays a snippet of the Notes specified within the Annotations for the object.t

    • File Name - Displays the MenuModule XML file name.

  3. To view module details, click the Edit icon adjacent to the menu name.

    A details page appears. See the next section, "Viewing Form Menu and Program Unit Details".

Viewing Form Menu and Program Unit Details

Clicking the Edit icon on the Forms Menus page displays a details page. The format of the page that displays depends upon the Module Type (either Menu or Program Unit).

About Form Menu Details

The top of the page lists details about the menu, including

  • Name

  • Parent Module

  • Parent Name

  • Parent Type

  • DirtyInfo

  • Tear Off Menu

  • Comment

Under Menu Items, click the Edit icon to view details or track the status of a specific menu item.

See Also:

To learn more about Oracle Forms, see the following hosted Help file:

About Annotations

Use Annotations to track the overall status of an object within the conversion process. To learn more, see "Using Annotations to Track the Conversion Process".

About Program Unit Details

The top of the page displays the program unit name, type, and the actual program unit text (if applicable).

About Audit

Display or hide the Audit section to view details about the object creation and last update dates.