
Managing Mail

Oracle Application Express administrators can manage email sent from applications by monitoring email messages in the mail queue and Mail Log.


See Also:

"Sending Email from an Application" in Oracle Application Express Application Builder User’s Guide

Viewing the Mail Queue

Oracle Application Express administrators can use the Manage Mail Queue page to monitor email messages in the mail queue.

To monitor messages in the mail queue:

  1. Log in to Oracle Application Express Administration Services. See "Logging in to Oracle Application Express Administration Services".

  2. Click Manage Service.

  3. Under Manage Service, click Mail Queue.

    The Mail Queue page appears.

  4. To send email messages, click Send All Mail.

  5. To delete email messages, select the messages to be deleted and click Delete.

Viewing the Mail Log

The Oracle Application Express Mail Log records the message header information and send date of successfully sent mail message.

To view the mail log:

  1. Log in to Oracle Application Express Administration Services. See "Logging in to Oracle Application Express Administration Services".

  2. Click Manage Service.

  3. Under Manage Service, click Logs.

    The Logs page appears.

  4. Click Mail log.

    The Mail Log appears.

  5. To control the number of rows that display, make a selection from the Display list and click Go.

  6. To delete all log entries, click Truncate.