
Using the PL/SQL Finder

You can use the PL/SQL Finder to locate and view details about stored procedures, functions, and packages associated with each object within the schema associated with the workspace.

To search for PL/SQL code in the current schema:

  1. Click the Find icon.

  2. Select the PL/SQL tab.

    The PL/SQL Finder appears.

    A search bar displays at the top of the page contains the following controls:

    • Search. Search for procedure, function, or package names. Enter case insensitive keywords in the Search field and click Go. To view all, leave the Search field blank and click Go.

    • Display. Determine how many rows display in the resulting report. To change the number of rows that display, make a selection from the Display list and click Go.

    • Procedures, Functions, or Packages. Select at least one check box and click Go to include procedures, functions, and packages in the report. You must select at least one check box to return results.

    The PL/SQL Finder report appears.

  3. To view additional details, select the procedure, function, or package name.

    Description of plsql_finder.gif follows
    Description of the illustration plsql_finder.gif

    The procedure, package, or function name appears and additional information including the owner, source name, source type, return type, argument names, data types, and IN/OUT parameters.

See Also:

"Managing Database Objects with Object Browser," in Oracle Application Express SQL Workshop and Utilities Guide