
About the Workspace Home Page

When you log in to Oracle Application Express, the Workspace home page appears.

Description of workspace4.gif follows
Description of the illustration workspace4.gif

Take a few minutes to explore the product. The following three large icons appear in the center of the page:

Note that your workspace and username appear in the lower left corner.

About the Administration List

An Administration list appears on the right side of the Workspace home page. Use the links to administer your application development environment.

If you have administrator or developer privileges, these links appear:

About the Migrations Link

Use the Migrations link to migrate a Microsoft Access application and generate an Oracle Application Express application from the retrieved objects.

About the Workspace Schemas List

The Workspace Schemas list displays the database schemas that are associated with, and therefore accessible to, this workspace.

About the Links List

The Links list contains links to resources to expand your knowledge of Oracle Application Express.

Description of gtst_reslinks.gif follows
Description of the illustration gtst_reslinks.gif