
Creating New User Accounts

To create a new user account:

  1. Log in to Oracle Application Express Administration Services. See "Logging in to Oracle Application Express Administration Services".

  2. Click Manage Workspaces.

  3. Under Manage Workspaces, click Manage Developers and Users.

    The Manage Developers and Users page appears.

  4. Click Create.

    The Create/Edit User page appears.

  5. Under User Attributes, enter the appropriate information.


    To learn more about a specific attribute, click the item label. When Help is available, the item label changes to red when you pass your cursor over it and the cursor changes to an arrow and question mark.

  6. Under Password, type a case-sensitive password for this account.

    If your organization has set up a password policy, be sure the password meets the requirements. See "About Password Policies".

  7. Under Developer Privileges:

    • User is a developer - To add this user as a developer, select Yes. For end users, select No.

      Developers can create and modify applications and database objects and view developer activity, session state, workspace activity, application, and schema reports.

    • User is a workspace administrator - To add this user as a Workspace administrator, select Yes. For developers or end users, select No.

      In addition to having developer privileges, workspace administrators can create and edit user accounts, manage groups, alter passwords of users within the same workspace, and manage development services.


      You create end users by adding them as users but not defining them as either developers or Workspace administrators, restricting their privileges.

  8. Under Account Control:

    • Account Availability - Select Unlocked to enable a user to log in to this account. Select Unlocked to enable the account to be used.

    • Require Change of Password on First Use - Select Yes to require the user to change the password immediately after logging in with the current, temporary password.

      This rule applies to the use of this account for developers and Workspace administrators. It also applies to all users who use this account when logging in to developed applications.


    An Oracle Application Express administrator can configure these settings for an entire Oracle Application Express instance and define password complexity policies. See "Enabling Login Controls for All Workspaces". "About Password Policies", and "Configuring Password Policies"

  9. Click Create User or Create and Create Another.