
Viewing Developer Activity and Application Change Information

To view developer activity and application change information from the Monitor Activity page:

  1. Navigate to the Workspace home page.

  2. From the Administration list, click Monitor Activity.

    The Monitor Activity page features activity reports divided into the following sections:

    • Page Views - Contains reports of page views organized by view, user, application, or application and page.

    • Page View Analysis - Contains reports analyzing page views, such as top page views by application.

    • Environment - Contains reports of environments organized by user agent, browser, external clicks, or operating system.

    • Application Changes - Contains reports that track application changes by developer, day, or application.

    • Sessions - Lists active sessions with the current workspace.

    • Login Attempts - Contains reports listing login attempts.

      This report includes logins to:

      • Application Express environment through the login pages for Oracle Application Express Administration Services or Oracle Application Express

      • applications developed using Application Express that use the built-in session management facilities of Application Express

  3. Select a report to review.