
Reviewing Application Express Views

You can review Application Express views and also run queries within a view to find specific information.

To review Application Express views:

  1. On the Workspace home page, click the Utilities icon.

  2. Click APEX Views.

    The Application Express Views page appears.

  3. To change the appearance of the page, make a selection from the View list and click Go:

    • Icons (the default) displays each Application Express view as a large icon.

    • Tree displays each Application Express view in a hierarchy.

    • Report displays each view as a line in a report.

  4. Click the view you want to review or query.

    The Application Express View Details page appears.

  5. To run a query:

    1. Under Query Columns, select the columns to query.

      For a description of each column, read the information in the Description section on this page.

    2. (Optional) Under Query Conditions, specify the column, condition, and value for the query.

    3. Scroll to the top and click Go.

    4. Scroll down to the Data section to view the results of the query. Note that the SQL Query section shows the SQL query resulting from your selections.