
Accessing Page Attributes

To edit page attributes:

  1. Navigate to the Page Definition. See "Accessing a Page Definition".

  2. Under Page Rendering, locate the Page section.

    Description of pg_def_edit_pg_att.gif follows
    Description of the illustration pg_def_edit_pg_att.gif

    The Page Attributes page is divided into categories that control specific page attributes such as the Page Name, Title, HTML Header, HTML Body, Help Text, Templates, and so on.

  3. To edit page attributes you can either:

    • Click the Edit page attributes icon to access the entire Page Attributes page. This icon resembles a small page with a pencil on top of it.

    • Click a specific link. The specific information appears.


    Clicking the Edit page attributes icon is the only way to view all page attributes at once.

    The Page Attributes page appears. Required values are marked with a red asterisk (*).