
About the Application You Build in This Tutorial

This tutorial guides you through the development of a Human Resources (HR) application for a fictitious company called AnyCo Corp. The application enables users to view and modify employee information stored in the OEHR_DEPARTMENTS and OEHR_EMPLOYEES tables.

When building the application, you perform these steps:

  1. Create an application that includes a Home page and a basic Departments report. See "Creating the Initial Application".

  2. Expand the report to pull in data from other tables. See "Modifying the Departments Report".

  3. Build an Employee form and report based on the OEHR_EMPLOYEES table. See "Adding an Employees Report and Form".

  4. Add calculated fields to the Employees report. See "Editing the Employees Report".

  5. Edit items on the Employees form to display as select lists (with lists of values). See "Displaying Items as Select Lists".

  6. Add a link on the Home page. See "Adding a Link on the Home Page to the Employees Report".

  7. Modify the Employees report to enable the user to select a department. See "Linking the Employees and Departments Reports".

  8. Add a link on the Departments report that navigates the user to the Employees report. See "Linking a Column Value to Another Page".

  9. Add a report as a region that displays department details. See "Adding a Conditional Department Details Report".

  10. Add your company name so that it appears on all pages in your application. See "Adding Your Company Name".

  11. Switch the theme for your application. See "Switching Themes to Change the User Interface".