
Downloading Public Packaged Applications and Sample Code

If you are using Oracle Application Express 2.2 or later, you can download packaged applications and sample code from the Oracle Application Express Web site. Packaged applications are fully functional applications that you can view, use, and customize. Sample code is provided as packaged applications that contain code examples to explain a solution.

To download public packaged applications and sample code:

  1. In a Web browser, go to the following Web sites:

  2. Scroll down to review the available applications or code.

  3. Click the link for the file you want to download, and save the file to your computer.

  4. Unzip the file.

  5. Log in to the workspace in Oracle Application Express where you want to use the packaged application or code.

  6. Import and install the application.

    Follow the same steps you performed when installing the sample objects for this guide. See "Importing the OEHR Sample Objects".