
Using the Images Finder

You can use the Images Finder to identify images available to the current application.

To view available images:

  1. Click the Find icon.

  2. Select the Images tab.

    The Images Finder appears.

    Description of image_finder.gif follows
    Description of the illustration image_finder.gif

    A search bar displays at the top of the page and contains the following controls:

    • Search. Search for image names. Enter case insensitive keywords in the Search field and click Go. To view all, leave the Search field blank and click Go.

    • Icon Size. Select the size of icon you want to search for and click Go.

    • Display. Determine how many rows display in the resulting report. To change the number of rows that display, make a selection from the Display list and click Go.

    • Columns. Select the number of columns to view per row and click Go.

  3. From Show, select the type of images to view. Options include:

    • Standard Images

    • Workspace Images

    • Application Images

See Also:

"Managing Database Objects with Object Browser" in Oracle Application Express SQL Workshop and Utilities Guide